
National Conversation on Climate Action

An interesting series of panels and discussions in New Haven on Earth Day that you may be interested in:

The City of New Haven is participating in the National Conversation on
Climate Action, an initiative to engage residents in solutions-
oriented dialogue about climate action opportunities at the local
level, organized by ICLEI, Yale FES, AmericaSpeaks and the Earth Day
Network and supported by a host of other national organizations. Come
to City Hall this Earth Day to show your support for local action on
climate change, to learn what New Haven is doing and how you can get

National Conversation on Climate Action
April 22nd, Earth Day
4:30 pm – 8:15pm
New Haven City Hall – 165 Church Street

Panel Discussions and Expo

5:00 – 6:30 pm Two Concurrent Conversations

  • FOOD:  Why what you eat is as important as where it comes from
    Meeting Room 2
    Melina Shannon-DiPietro, Director, Yale Sustainable Food Project; Jennifer McTiernan, Director, CitySeed
  • HOME FRONT: Saving energy and money at home, plus new jobs to fight climate change
    Meeting Room 1
    Brian Wnek, City of New Haven Health Dept.; Kathy Fay, Rehabilitation Specialist; Chris Ozyck, Greenspace Manager, Yale Urban Resources Initiative

6:45 – 8:15 pm Two More Concurrent Conversations

  • SMART TO SMARTER: The next steps in responsible  urban development
    First Floor Program Room
    Heidi Green, 1000 Friends of Connecticut; Anika Singh-Lemar, Land Use Attorney, Wiggin & Dana; Dara Kovel, Regional Director, Jonahan Rose & Co.
  • GETTING AROUND: Reducing your carbon footprint through sustainable transportation
    Fifth Floor Conference Room
    Holly Parker, Director, Yale Sustainable Transportation; David Fields, Principal, Nelson/Nygaard Consulting; Michael Piscitelli, Director of Transportation, Traffic & Parking, City of New Haven

4:30 pm – 7:00 pm Expo featuring the following organizations:

  • Ground Floor Atrium
  • Gateway Community College’ Sustainability Programs
  • Connecticut Land Use Education and Research
  • New Haven Sister City Leon Nicaragua Earthathon
  • CT Transit
  • Rideworks

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