
Agenda for Meeting 5/28/09

Hi Friends:

The meeting will be at 7 pm on May 28, at Fellis Jordan’s house (Fellis, you did say that was ok, didn’t you?)

Here are the agenda items I know about.  Let me know if there are others.

Sign hanging and unveiling.  It looks as though the sign will be hung on two cedar posts that were given to Brenda by friends of the farm.  Sinking the posts sounds like a lot of work, so I expect Brenda would like help with that.  She is arranging an event for the kids who painted the sign to come and see it, tentatively June 8.

Lease – we have supplied everything requested.  I’ll check with Milone on status.

Brenda’s contract has been signed. I’ll bring a couple of copies for the treasurer and the records.

A bill should be coming soon for liability insurance -$406
I have forms for exclusion from workers’ comp. for all officers of FOBK to sign.
Status of workers’ comp for Brenda?

I would like a current report from Carol about money in the bank and at the Community Foundation, and bills we know will need to be paid.  Unless our fundraising letter has resulted in significant contributions, we will run out of money before the end of the season, and we need to figure out how much money we need to raise and by when.

Fundraising plans:
Paul Hammer has been talking with the Tour des Farms, which may or may not raise any money for us.
My idea is that we might make a specific request to all the CSA shareholders that they become members of FOBK, and that we go ahead and send out membership renewals to all the current members, whose memberships would expire in October, and also to all former members.  Since there are currently no tangible benefits to membership (other than voting at the annual meeting), I thought we might want to give members priority in signing up for the CSA next year.

Marianne Lusk:
She has proposed two projects involving Boulder Knoll.  One is an arrangement where a K-12  school in Waterbury (with 89% of the students having reduced price lunches) would buy food from our farm with grant money to supplement the vegetables in school lunch.  I told her this would have to wait until next year (at least) since all the food we are growing this year has been spoken for.  The other is an offer to have 12 teenagers work on the farm for six weeks from the end of June through July.  I have talked to Brenda a little about what jobs she might be able to find for 12 teenagers for six weeks!  We would not be paying the teenagers – their pay would come from a program in Waterbury.  We might be able to arrange a smaller period of time, and share the teenagers with other organizations.

Community Farming Conference – Oct. 31.  Bill Duesing has proposed that we have a tour of Boulder Knoll Farm after the conference.

Natural Resource Inventory.  Step 1 – first insect survey – on June 1.

Meeting with Cheshire Land Trust – put off to this summer, which is coming soon.  When to meet, what to talk about.

Planning ahead – set dates for upcoming meetings and for the annual membership meeting.

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