
Upcoming Educational Events

9am-12:00pm, Wednesday, July 25 th
Let’s Build a Birdhouse (Workshop for kids ages 6-12)

In this workshop we’ll discuss the role of birds in the environment and then assemble one birdhouse per child.  The houses will be kits that will have previously been fabricated by our own Environmental Educator. Due to the nature of this workshop, we ask that you register for this event in advance so that the proper number of assemblies can be fabricated.  Walk in will only witness the event. Free event but please RSVP!

1-3pm, Saturday, July 28st
Organic Gardening:  Beyond the Basics (Teens and adults only please!)

Building on Organic Vegetable Gardening for Beginners this workshop goes beyond the basics of organic gardening.   We’ll discuss lead in our soils, taking soil samples, succession planting, companion planting, crop rotation, cover crops, etc.  Free event but please RSVP!

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